dashplus helped AXA Belgium to launch its telemedicine service in 2019

AXA Belgium to launch its telemedicine service

Insurance company AXA launched its telemedicine service to over 50k Belgians in 2019. dashplus helped them to prepare this setup.

AXA wants to be a real companion for its plus 500 000 health insurance clients. The introduction of teleconsultations, 24/7 telehealth support, is a building block of the companies future-proof healthcare strategy.

AXA wanted to create an impact with large-scale and qualitative teleconsultations. The engagement of multiple stakeholders was crucial too.

What AXA got with dashplus:

  • help and connections to answer practical questions like how, who, when, what to include/exclude, link to other services?
  • analyse and pivot on the quality aspects of the teleconsultation process
  • connection to multiple stakeholders, building a future partnership in learning and doing teleconsultations

Sofie strongly contributed to the success of this project with her well developed project skills, the excellent experience and know how in health innovation, and network of stakeholders in this area.” –Karel Coudré, AXA Belgium

Background: AXA Belgium

AXA Belgium employs 3500 employees serving 2.9 million customers to finance and protect what’s dear to them.

This makes AXA a crucial player in the field of comfort and prevention, in many areas of life and certainly in the field of health.


Challenge: quality and support for teleconsultations for all insurance clients

As teleconsultations are new in Belgium, AXA had to deal with many questions, qualitative concerns and the risk of resistance and negative feedback.

Stakeholders might be biased towards insurance companies. Or both parties might speak a different ‘language’.

AXA wanted to receive honest feedback and input to build the teleconsultation service as qualitative as possible.

This asks for an open and trustworthy relationship with all kinds of stakeholders. It’s the only way to move forward and learn from each other.

The core challenges:

  • build a customer-friendly, qualitative teleconsultation service
  • resistance, bias and different ‘language’ from different stakeholders
  • receive honest feedback to learn together and build future partnerships

We wanted to move forward and take into account the opinion of the involved stakeholders.”

Solution: focus on quality and partnership with selected stakeholders

We set op the model for the teleconsultation process.

We analysed the market and learned from the AXA experience with teleconsultations in France and Germany.

We indicated crucial quality points. We made a stakeholder analysis and listened to multiple people in the ecosystem. Based on these contacts, we iterated every two weeks on the most important process and quality points.

dashplus also analysed and documented the relevant policy framework for teleconsultations.

Results: on-time successful launch of teleconsultations and positive impact

When AXA launched the teleconsultation service in June 2019, it received positive reactions and genuine (media) interest. Stakeholders and gatekeepers were keen to learn together.

AXA has set up a model of teleconsultations that has the possibility to expand. They are well informed and documented on market opportunities, quality standards and policy framework.

AXA was the first to launch teleconsultations on a large scale to all Belgians. This attracts the attention of future innovation partners.

In November 2019, AXA Belgium welcomed multiple healthcare stakeholders at its health conference in Brussels to explain their vision on innovation.

The key benefits & results

  • a model that has the possibility to expand
  • learning by doing within the health insurance
  • positive reactions and genuine (media) interest
  • well-informed on quality standards, market opportunities and policy framework
  • first-mover advantage
  • new innovation partners

It was a pleasure to cooperate with dashplus in this innovative healthcare project.” –Karel Coudré

Want to start teleconsultations too?

Healthcare innovation involves the understanding of the market, and cooperation of multiple and very different stakeholders. It takes time, focus and expertise to create impact together. dashplus reduces the time you need to implement telemedicine.

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