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This is the place to find the most important choices you will make as a health entrepreneur. Below you will find my most useful articles on defining your strategy and bringing it to success.

Doktr - a patient centric telehealth app for all Belgians

Proximus launches Doktr: a patient-centric telehealth app for all Belgians

Belgian telecom provider Proximus just launched Doktr, a patient-centric video consultation app for all Belgians. With this product, Proximus- like other telecom companies worldwide– invests in future-proof healthcare. dashplus advised this great corporate startup team on strategy and stakeholder management. Here’s why Doktr might help to bring Belgium to the forefront of digital health in

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Health apps will be refunded in Belgium

mhealth belgium.be Belgian government recently launched the website mhealthbelgium.be, where you can read all about health apps and digital health solutions in Belgium: what are medical apps? What about the app you already use in terms of benefits, possibilities and reimbursement? And new on the mobile health front: companies can officially register their medical health

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3 to do’s in zorg en gezondheid voor politici dit najaar

Nu iedereen zowat terug aan het werk is, en de federale ministerraad vorige week een eerste keer bijeenkwam, kunnen we een aantal verwachtingen uitspreken voor het najaar- gericht aan politici van alle niveau’s. Beste beleidsmensen, ongeacht je achtergrond, bevoegdheid of niveau: met deze 3 realisaties kan je het verschil maken; nog voor de verkiezingen. Gezondheid

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Born alone and then you die?

No healthcare entrepreneur can do it on his own. Here is why. Innovating in health can be lonely: your idea is new, success requires bold choices which makes a person shiver, and you run into questions that you don’t dare to ask out loud. Do it anyway! Ask that question and make that leap. And

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