Trusted sparring partner

Trusted sparring partner

Access to specific healthcare expertise and project experience, getting a quick answer, receive honnest feedback and have a trusted sparring partner.

Sometimes that’s exactly the thing you need. We offer our clients the possibility to be there for them, right then en there.

You can build on the shoulders of the dashplus team expertise. You can have help or an answer within 24 hours.

So you feel confident and energetic to tackle all bears on the road to healthcare innovation.

Recent years, we have worked for AXA, Triamant, Roche Diabetics Care, Lannoo Publishers, UZA, EIT health and Proximus, among others. Read the usecase of AXA here; or for a public health insurer here.

Want me by your side too? Call me (++32 472 62 98 16).

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